Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Bliss!

The gifts of Christmas - 

JOY, Love & Peace, 

shall be yours this Holiday season!

Childhood bliss...

I am blessed that mummy had understood this and while being strict had let us enjoy childhood to the fullest. 
Christmas each year had been, as for most people, a time full of expectations, excitement and fulfillment - may it be carols,visit to grandma's and relatives, the array of festive treats and cakes (fruit-rich cake, Yule-log cake, Butter cake) not mentioning the Santa's visit filled stockings... The Christmas crackers which we called "Bon Bons" were a must and brought on so much joy for me and my brother. I loved to  put up the Christmas cards Grandpa received from his nieces & nephews from Malaysia and around the world. Grandma had never discouraged my endless questions of who's who (Chelliah mama & Chellachi, Dr. Alfred uncle, Dr. Duraisamy, William Iyathurai, Devadasons: Rose & Lily Machaal, A.S. K & Breckenridge, etc) & where, and thus my quest for ancestral history. 

The annual Christmas plays at school allowed us to be an angel one year, the Herod or Mary another year and to imagine and feel the events around baby Jesus's birth. I was also intrigued by the 3 wise men from the east  who followed the star to find the holy infant from afar.... Mummy would tell me "Yes, Jesus came as a child for us only." She would often add "Childhood is the best time; but, sadly it doesn't last long." It is so very true... Years just fly by and before we know it, we are older than mummy was when we had this conversation. Bless her soul... for she had been the greatest mother I have known!

May our hearts rejoice in the Joy of Christmas and childhood bliss! I am my mother's daughter,


The childhood bliss: Joy, Love and Peace is so exuberant in this picture of Maggie & the children and I wish my little niece was here with us.

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