Thursday, January 17, 2013

Eucharistic Miracles!

Have you heard of the Eucharistic miracles? I realize Eucharist in itself is the holiest miracle. To receive GOD within us we should at the least try to be kind to each other and be genuinely caring!
But, is that possible only if you are a person of faith and unconditionally commit to GOD?

We live in an era where stepping on others toe and over another one's head to get ahead are shamefully a common practice. Once you have reached the top and succeeded by kicking away everyone along the way, who is going to be there happy to share your success? If we do not have compassion for others, life in fact would eventually become pointless and meaningless! No amount of material wealth can give the satisfaction of having truly caring people around you.

Life is about living a good decent life and as much as possible making a difference in others lives. My father-in-law was a very humble and pious person. He was holding a good government job and had a comfortable life. But to our generation it seemed as if he lacked the drive to move ahead professionally. I believe he understood what life is about very well and had his priorities set to please GOD and not anyone else.

Going through the old family albums my mummy-in-law gave me, I was amazed at the importance he had given to the celebration of Corpus Christi. There's photos literally marked, carefully, year after year of Corpus Christi celebration from Malacca to Ceylon. I am glad we have a son who is following in those pious footsteps and would cherish those valuable Corpus Christi celebration photos from his grand-dada GFR.

It so happened we had an annual dinner at the church and were treated to the video documentary of the Eucharistic miracles. Amazing! It is no coincidence that today is our gentle soul dada GFR's memorial... I can envision him smiling as if to say "All is well and will be well. Just have faith!"
May GOD Bless His Soul and grant him eternal peace!!!

Thanks to mummy for her deep faith and for, giving us the foundation and freedom to find our way in Faith. May GOD Bless Her Soul!

I am my mother's daughter,


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